Our Story — Asset-Map
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Our Story Is About Focusing on What Matters

Asset-Map is now one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Learn more about how it all started.


 Our story is about focusing on what matters

Asset-Map is now one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Learn more about how it all started.

Financial Planning Software

Years ago…

H. Adam Holt, Asset-Map’s Founder and CEO, was a financial planner frustrated by financial planning.

The long, research-packed reports he prepared for client meetings didn’t seem to engage clients or provide clarity. Adam realized that to better serve clients, he needed to help them focus on what matters most—making good financial decisions so they could reach their goals.

From that realization, Asset-Map was born. Created first as a tool used by Adam and his staff, his wealth planning business became Asset-Map’s first success story as he used it to grow revenue by 300%, three years in a row while achieving nearly $1 billion in AUM in under a decade.

Today, Asset-Map is used by thousands of financial advisors across multiple currencies and languages to help families focus on what matters, make more engaged and confident decisions, and reach their financial goals.


Our Big Idea Is Actually Quite Simple

What everyone really wants is an easy way to see their financial situation,
and the answers to a few basic questions:


See How it All Started

Asset-Map is now one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Watch our origin story to get a sense of where we came from and where we’re headed.


 See How it All Started

Asset-Map is now one of the fastest growing companies in the industry. Watch our origin story to get a sense of where we came from and where we’re headed.


Technology for Advisors and Their Clients

Financial Planning Software

Turn conversation into action

All the comprehensive data in the world won’t help someone make a decision if they can’t clearly see how it’s all related. We help you connect with your clients on a personal level as you turn conversations into actionable decisions by laying out an entire household’s finances on one simple-to-understand page.

Financial Planning Software

Go Deeper With Your Clients

The greatest value a financial advisor can provide is to help clients identify new opportunities, and then take action to realize their benefits. Asset-Map reports help you understand what's important to your clients so you can prioritize their financial goals and more easily create a plan that gives them confidence.

Financial Planning Software

Visualize A Better Future For All

Research has shown that visuals can be an effective learning aid, and we believe better learning is the first step toward better financial behavior. Asset-Map reports help you illustrate progress towards goals in a way that's clear to clients, so they can make meaningful decisions and you can grow your business.