The Best of Asset-Map: The Top 10 Most-Read Blogs of 2022

2022 has been an exciting time for the Asset-Map team! This year we accomplished a lot and look forward to achieving more as we move forward!

In the spirit of year-end roundups, we wanted to share our top 10 blogs of 2022!

#1 - Webinar Replay: Check Engine Lights for Your Clients’ Financial Well-Being: Six Critical Warnings to Monitor

In this replay, H. Adam Holt, CFP, shares his “6 Financial Fire Drills” framework designed to bridge the gap between validating a household’s current financial decisions and new planning opportunities.

He also walks through the process behind automatically identifying the financial capacity to weather the six critical events that commonly disrupt a client’s financial well-being: Liquidity (Emergency Reserves), Long-term Disability, Loss of Life, Long-term Care, Longevity, Legal Liability

Watch the webinar replay here.

#2- Webinar Replay: Why Advice Engagement is the Future of Financial Services

As defined by Michael Kitces, Advice Engagement software solutions help engage prospects or clients in the advice delivery process. Advice Engagement tools are intended to deepen engagement in the advice process and increase the likelihood of the prospect or client buy-in and follow-through with the advice recommendations themselves.

This webinar brought together five Advice Engagement companies: Asset-Map, Bento Engine, FP Alpha, fpPathfinder, and visiWealth.

Leaders from each company discussed the impact the advice engagement movement is having on the financial services industry. They also shared strategies for increasing the likelihood of prospects or clients following through with and subsequently purchasing your advice recommendations.

Watch the webinar replay here.

#3 - Webinar Replay: Accelerate Series | Simulated Live Prospective Client Meeting

In this replay, hear from LiaJean McHenry (Sr. Training Manager) and a special guest as they provide a demonstration on ways to use Asset-Map live during a client meeting.

Different from past webinars, this session is an interactive role-play of a prospective client meeting. Watch the webinar replay here.

#4 - Webinar Replay: Your Mid-Year Review with Asset-Map and Holistiplan

In this webinar, H. Adam Holt, Founder and CEO of Asset-Map, and Roger Pine, Co-founder of Holistiplan, demonstrate how to:

  • Frame a productive client conversation efficiently to remove any consumer intimidation

  • Give your clients peace of mind heading into the latter half of the year

  • Use the new features coming soon to the Asset-Map and Holistiplan platforms

Watch the webinar replay here.

#5 - Press Release: Asset-Map Launches Signals™, an Automated Indicator for the Financial Preparedness of Client Households

PHILADELPHIA, PA - March 9, 2021 --  Asset-Map, the leading financial advice engagement experience for financial professionals, today announced the new expansion of its platform with Signals.

Designed to bridge the gap between validating a household's current financial decisions (Asset-Map) and new planning opportunities (Target-Map Goal Planning), Signals automatically identifies the financial capacity to weather six critical events that commonly disrupt a client's financial security.

Read the press release here.

#6 - Product Update: Custom Questionnaires

Financial advisors who embed Asset-Map fully into their client experience typically complement it with questionnaires outside of the platform that are unique to their practice. Examples include meeting prep worksheets, client intake forms, values exercises, risk tolerance, or other suitability questionnaires.

Asset-Map Elite subscribers can now incorporate commonly formatted questionnaires directly into Asset-Map so that the vital information of a client household is in one place. Custom Questionnaires can be sent to the client as a meeting takeaway or completed in the meeting. This new addition makes the advisor-client interaction more efficient, allowing businesses to scale quickly.

Read the blog.

#7 - Webinar Replay: Conducting Impactful Client Conversations with Asset-Map and Riskalyze

In this webinar recording, hear from Shane Hall (Financial Planner at Shane Hall Financial) who is using both Asset-Map and Riskalyze on strategies for leveraging the integration to boost engagement and help clients more easily take part in the risk and advice conversation.

Leaders from both Asset-Map and Riskalyze also share best practices for using the two platforms together to overlay risk scores and analysis across two vital pieces of an advisor's technology solution.

Watch the webinar replay.

#8 - Webinar Replay: Financial Planning Visualization + CRM with the Asset-Map and Wealthbox Integration

Watch this recording to hear leaders from Wealthbox and Asset-Map discuss the connection between highly organized relationship management and specific financial planning processes.

You’ll also discover CRM workflow and financial planning templates that help make your practice even more efficient.

Watch the webinar replay here..

#9 - Webinar Replay: Accelerate Series | Streamlining Data Collection Using Asset-Map Discovery

In this training video, learn how to use Discovery to make your data collection process more efficient and potentially uncover new client or prospect assets.

Watch the webinar replay here.

#10 - A Comprehensive List of Business Tips for Financial Advisors and Planners

With so much information out there, it can be difficult for everyday people to get proper counsel on their financial plans and investments, and advisors and planners fill that knowledge gap in ways that can’t be denied.

In seeing these challenges, Asset-Map has compiled a comprehensive, relevant list of articles and resources to help advisors and planners get clarity on their next steps.

Read the blog here.

TJ Hill