From Good to Great: How to Succeed as a Financial Advisor

Starting a career path in financial advising can be a worthwhile investment in yourself. The financial advisory industry is well-known for its hardworking professionals. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 13% job growth rate for personal financial advisors over the next decade. This rewarding career is ideal for entrepreneurs with personal finance or investment management backgrounds.

What qualities and strategies make a good financial advisor successful? At a high level, being personable, highly knowledgeable, and business-minded are a few qualities most successful financial planners share. Many successful financial advisors use Asset-Map’s tools to streamline their consultations and improve client experiences.

In this article, we will overview the role of a financial advisor, share tips for succeeding in this role, and discuss how Asset-Map can help forge better client relationships. 

The Financial Advisor Role: An Overview

Financial advisors often wear many hats. With financial know-how, you may offer more comprehensive services, such as estate planning, retirement planning, wealth management, tax planning, investment management, and more. You may even be more specialized and focus on one or two specific service types. 
In general, the core responsibilities and goals of a financial advisor or CFP include:

  • Assessing a client’s current financial situation to determine the type of financial services that could benefit them

  • Helping clients make informed and smart decisions that assist in reaching their financial goals

  • Developing personalized financial plans tailored to a client’s needs and goals

  • Advising on how to manage their wealth and assets to best set them up for a comfortable future

The Importance of Continuous Education

Financial advisors must stay abreast of the latest financial regulations and market trends to best serve their clients. Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) are required to complete 30 hours of approved continuing education (CE) every two years to be eligible for certification renewal. Even if you’re not a CFP, keeping up with market trends as a financial advisor is vital. 

How To Succeed as a Financial Advisor

Develop Key Advisor Skills

As an advisor, you need to develop a set of skills to be most successful in this role. These essential skills include:

Strong Communication

Financial advisors need to effectively communicate with clients to build trust and credibility and share their financial knowledge. Communication skills ensure you can thoroughly answer a client’s questions or concerns. 

Analytical Thinking

Financial planners are analytical thinkers. This skill allows advisors to help clients make strategic decisions that help them reach their financial goals. 


Empathy is a lesser-recognized skill that financial advisors should possess. Reaching out to an advisor can put clients in a vulnerable position. Showing empathy for a client’s feelings about their financial situation helps foster a better professional relationship.


Advisors should be able to create investment portfolios and financial plans that are diverse, unique, and tailored to each client’s needs and risk level.  


A financial planner needs to be honest when assessing a client’s risk tolerance and advising them in any way. Your job is to guide your clients to make the best decisions for their financial health. 

Interpersonal Skills

Being kind, courteous, and approachable are all traits that go a long way in the financial advising industry. Clients want someone they feel comfortable talking to and relying on for guidance.

These skills, along with developing strong ethical standards and transparency in client relationships, are the building blocks to a successful career in financial advising.

Build a Strong Client Base

The next key to success as a financial advisor is building a solid and loyal client base. This can be done through word of mouth, effective marketing, in-person networking, client referrals, and developing an online presence. 

Successful advisors attract new clients by creating a visually appealing, cohesive, and professional brand. Develop an online presence and consider investing in digital marketing services to help spread brand awareness. 
Ensure you are providing top-quality services that leave clients satisfied with your business. This will help you retain clients and grow your business over time. 

Asset-Map can provide a streamlined client experience with customized financial plans catered to individual client needs. Financial advisors can even utilize their branding with Asset-Map’s tool to create a cohesive and branded experience. 

Leverage Technology to Enhance Service

Technology is also an essential piece of the puzzle for becoming a respected financial advisor. Financial advisors utilize advanced technology, such as customer relationship management systems (CRMs), data analytics, and financial planning software, to improve efficiency and boost client satisfaction. 

Asset-Map is a premier financial mapping software built for advisors. Asset Map’s features, such as Asset-Map Reports, Discovery Interviews, and Target-Maps, can streamline operations and enhance client collaboration. Create memorable client interactions with highly visual reports and dashboards that make understanding a client’s financial picture easy.

Specialize in Niche Markets

Another tip for financial advisors is to niche down and specialize in a specific market, such as retirees or small business owners. This differentiates your business in a crowded and competitive market and allows you to become a true industry expert. 

For example, specialized knowledge in retirement planning will lead to more targeted and effective financial advice. This specialization gives clients confidence in your abilities to effectively advise them. Rather than offering financial advisory services for any individual or business, it is recommended you choose a target market to focus on. 

Continuously Learn and Adapt

As mentioned previously, ongoing education and adaptation to new financial products and market conditions are essential. To increase your expertise and build credibility with prospective clients, you may participate in professional development courses or certifications like Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Ongoing education is essential in any field, especially financial advising. Market conditions are continuously shifting, and new advancements in finance occur regularly. Keeping up with industry news always sets you up to work in your client’s interest. 

Implement Effective Marketing Strategies

As a financial advisor, you’ll need to find ways to effectively market your services and increase brand awareness. There are a variety of methods you can implement to get your services noticed by potential clients. 

Digital marketing is especially effective in today’s highly digital world. Some of the best digital marketing strategies for financial planners include:

  • Social Media Usage. A presence on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram adds a layer of connection with potential and existing clients. Be sure to post regularly and engage with clients by answering questions and sharing industry news. 

  • Content Marketing. Publishing high-quality blog posts is another fantastic way to promote your financial services. Share your thoughts on industry news, answer commonly asked questions, and create valuable guides to show your expertise. 

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Along with content marketing comes SEO. When devising a content marketing strategy, keep SEO keywords top of mind. Tailoring your website and content to target high-volume search queries can extend your reach.

  • Email Newsletters. Growing an email list and sending email newsletters is one way to keep your services at the forefront of potential clients’ minds. Collect emails on your website and send a monthly newsletter that discusses relevant financial topics that draw future clients in. 

Your digital marketing efforts can be elevated with Asset-Map’s visualization features to target and engage potential clients. Share snapshots of the tools clients will gain access to when working with you to pique their interest and spark conversations. 

Network and Collaborate

Building professional relationships within the financial industry is a significant way to learn from other financial professionals, network, and collaborate for enhanced service offerings. As a new financial advisor, networking and collaboration often lead to more client referrals for your business. Professional contacts can be rich resources of relevant industry information and actionable advice on practice management. 

Grow Your Financial Advising Career with Asset-Map

Succeeding in the financial advisory space takes more than hard work—it takes specialized skills, the right mixture of personal qualities, and effective marketing. Develop the essential skills, build a foundation of loyal clients, leverage technology, niche down, never stop learning, market yourself well, and build professional relationships to find your place in the financial industry. 

Use Asset-Map to enhance your financial advisory practice and stay ahead of the competition. With Asset-Map, you can make collaboration with clients simple and effective. Our tools empower financial professionals to collaborate more effectively with their clients.
Connect with us today for more financial industry insights and support in building your book of business. 

TJ Hill