Work Smarter with the Asset-Map + VeoOne® Integration

Asset-Map seamlessly integrates with VeoOne® to overlay portfolio and account insights across two vital pieces of an advisor's technology solution.

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Features Overview

TD Veo Asset-Map Integration 1

Key Insights

Visualize your client's Portfolio and Account performance, as well as their demographic information, directly on the Asset-Map. With the integration, you can click to launch TD Ameritrade Institutional VeoOne® and view the interested client.


Individual Accounts

View account performance associated with corresponding financial instruments found in the household's current portfolio within TD Ameritrade Institutional Veo®. Click to launch VeoOne® and view this individual account right from your Asset-Map.

TD Veo Asset-Map Integration 2

TD Veo Asset-Map Integration 3

Ease of Use

Quickly and Easily create new households or update an existing household with our synchronization tool. The Asset-Map and VeoOne® integration is as simple as clicking a button to import the relevant data.